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JBS Faces Thousands in Fines for False Sustainability Claims

New York, NY (February 28, 2024) – Ban the Batistas Executive Director Kimberly Spell issued the following statement today in response to New York Attorney General Letitia James’s lawsuit against JBS. The lawsuit was filed today over JBS misleading consumers with false climate claims to boost profits.

“Ban the Batistas applauds New York Attorney General Letitia James for her bold stance in holding JBS accountable for its misleading environmental claims. 

However, we must not overlook the broader context surrounding JBS’s operations. The company’s troubling history, including its involvement in a significant corporate corruption scandal, raises serious doubts about its suitability for a U.S. listing and IPO. Ban the Batistas adamantly opposes JBS’s pursuit of such actions, as they could expose investors and stakeholders to substantial risks associated with the company’s questionable practices. 

We urge all stakeholders to reconsider their support for JBS in light of its troubled past and ongoing controversies.

We stand firm in our resolve to expose and combat their criminal behavior, ensuring justice for our environment and communities.”