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Ban the Batistas Blasts Latest NYSE Listing Updates

New York, NY (August 14, 2024) – In response to JBS’s Q2 earnings call this morning, Jason Elan, Executive Director of Ban the Batistas, issued the following statement. During the presentation, JBS executives boasted about the company’s strong 2024 profits, driven by their Sierra poultry and JBS USA pork operations, citing lower grain costs and operational improvements.

When asked about the status of their NYSE listing, the tone shifted. JBS admitted the IPO process has slowed, blaming summer vacations, ongoing filings, and routine regulatory hurdles. They claimed the timing is “out of their control,” and acknowledged the possibility of repeating the process multiple times before getting the registration green light.

“Today’s earnings call exposed the truth: JBS’s IPO is floundering, and the Batistas have no one to blame but themselves. Their history of corruption, environmental destruction, and predatory price-gouging practices are catching up with them.

“While JBS reaps massive profits and touts optimism about the future, American families continue to feel the pressure of high food prices. It’s time for JBS to abandon its IPO ambitions, oust the Batistas from the board, and end their inflationary pricing practices that are driving up meat prices for everyone.”

About Ban the Batistas

Ban the Batistas is an advocacy group fighting to protect American farmers, ranchers, consumers, and investors from the risks of a U.S. stock listing by JBS S.A. and the unchecked power grab by its majority shareholders, brothers Joesley and Wesley Batista. Learn more at